Imago Mens/Ego (do-are identity)
Where I'm from, what you do (for work) more ofthen than not describes who you are. That's acceptable as long as you're doing is something that matches personality, goals, and abilities of the individual. What happens when that ceases to be the case? If you are no longer doing anything useful you are NOT useful anymore. Or, what if what you are doing is at angles or even antithetical to the rest of your identity? Who are you then? Either a hypocrite or a sell-out for one, or worse a traitor to yourself and beliefs. Or are you, what can you do about it? Can the supposed contradictions and paradoxes live together and form a new self-image? The do-are identity has become a liability and it is time to re-evaluate the basis of your identity.
Sounds like familiar territory. Ending up doing something completely different from anything you ever imagined. Not a bad thing in any way, just very confusing to those of us who find ourselves there.
Yeah, also depends on WHY you're there... You've got 2(almost3) good reasons to be where you are. I'm still working out the reasons I'm where I am agian and so quickly. Keep checking for the "Why am I here?" post... it should be up in a few days. (and it doesn't have anything to do with shooting lizards on my private putt-putt course at night)
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